This episode was called "What They Died For" yet Cuse and Lindelof continue to tell us very little, and reveal what we already knew. Jack's transformation into a man of faith was finally cemented tonight by officially becoming Jacob, we found out that Desmond wanted to fix Locke, and we finally found out that Desmond was a last resort (very specific guys). Though it seemed that the purpose of this episode was to set up for the finale. But in the scale of things this is probably the best set up episode for Lost ever, so take what you can get. But what really anchors down the show is the characters and the acting and it seems that Michael Emmerson and Terry O'Quinn are really bringing their A-game and giving their best work ever on this show. But What I think everyone really cares about is the 2 and a half hours of Lost goodness on Sunday, so get you're Dharma notebooks out and write down my predictions.
-Everyone is going to die except for Jack, and everyone else passes over into the sideways universe. What this does is it redeems Jack's decision to blow up the bomb because it gets everyone into a universe where they're not destined to be on the island.
-The final scene is going to be a reenactment of the scene on the beach with Jack and FLocke ("Do you know how badly I want to kill you?" LOST). Chills right?
Better than last week's abysmal episode but still not great. It feels as if the show is just stuck in place, because at the end of each episode it seems like nothing changes. Wheelchair kid thinks he can dance! Oh never mind back to normal... Neil Patrick Harris causing trouble! Oh never mind he's taken care of...Even the Rachel/Idina Menzel storyline didn't progress that much. Glee isn't a sitcom, it's allowed to change from episode to episode. Although I do award greatness to NPH and The Safety Dance, in the end just a mediocre episode for me.
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